August 15, 2010


firstly mau ckp aduhh sye gado same itu MR.BAPOKK iaitu boss yg gatal itu . grr . tat day he crk carik pasal wif me . saje la tue nk crk kesalahan nott . iyearr dah nott duk tak layan dio . mst arr bengang . padanmuke ang .  ala nott bukn emosi sgt pun pasal yg dye nk ngorat2 tak dpt tue . tapi nott cume mals nk dengar ape dye suke bebelkn . dr pagi smp petng . we all selalu tungu2 mase nk blik je . tak kaco dye pun . ciket pun tak ouh . pato yg skrang dye duk nk crk kesalahan nott je . hurm dugaan kowt . tangss to my partner la . tat guy slalu protect me kowt . hmm kalo ddye xde abes la nott mst kene teruk2 ouh . tangss tambii :p

NEXT, me mau ckp yg me sgtsgt conpiuse arr . wat should for da degree ??
hurm mule2 nott mmg arr tak nk itu polymer . sbb nott tak berape gembire blaja nieh . sbb my penasihat ckp "kte kne amek coz yg kte suke" tapi nie dye ckp tym nk amek dip dulu .. hurm
now wat am i suppose to take??

plisss help me lor . now m holding dip in polymer technology [insyaallah] but then i dun feel hapie or fun or besh or seronok or even hard pun for this dip . but i want sumthing fun and more reliable siket utk my own feature becoz wat i noe is when in the industry there doesn't want any gurls working for their company coz they say it hard to trust a gurl . haha . kinda stupid statement but that da reality lorr . now i think i wanna take other coz even if its take for 3 or 4 years for studies . ermm i want sumthing tat peeps can noe . b'coz this polymer thing tak byk yg tahu . agak disappointed lar bile org tanye polymer??ape tue .. hurm .

yup my lect ade ckp yg we da one who should make the polymer thing to be more popular or recognizable lar kn . tapi kan if its really nk org tahu dah lame dah org akan tahu . coz nie bukn br pun . hurm . . . . yup i make a mistake but now i dun want any mistake happen again . coz it really gonna hurt youu . hurm now please anyone help me . i need sum suggestion ...


tarikah tutop 19th september 2010
so kne betol2 pilih ape yg betol
sbb kalo lambt isi nt dah ramai isi susah plak an
aduhhhhhh !!!
this is hard ...

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