last weekend we are celebrating our 2nd anniversary . yup it mean 2 YEARS !! alhamdulillah . actually belum lagi sepatotnye lagi 2bulan . tetapi we decide nak celebrate today now . b'coz pasni i will be bizi . wif the study . FYP . project . lab . and so on ... can't imagine what am i gonna look like when the tym comes #sigh
sebenarnye few days before he acting so peliks . dye sangt excited nak 'berdating' . ohh yea we all tak selalu jumpe or date like others do . walaupun duk dekat je . but tak selalu jumpe . kadangkadang tue 2 3 bulan sekali je . mmg mcm tu since nott kenal dye lagi . baru la rinduuuu selalu . hehe :D
what that is touched me is soalansoalan yang mokk ni tnye tak penah dye tnye pun . mokk tnye nott "nanti nak jumpe nk pakai mcm k-pop x?" then i was like "whaaaaat??! k-pop?" then he giggles #deng then he ask me again and again "what are u going to wear tis saturday?" peliks kan . tak pernahpernah la si mokk ni nak tnye wat am i going to wear an . harini dalam sejarah nih . hahaha . then he as again "what color u wanna wear tis saturday?" hahaha . soalan ni lagi la lawak . seriusely . sebb nye before this he told me that dye tak suke kalo tnye2 nk baju warne same bile kuar . coz nott pun tak berpe suke planplan nih . so soalan tu sangt memelikkan lagi . hahaha
then dengan rase kesian dan pelik nott decide nk pakai BLUE . then he told me that dye xde baju biru . i said its okay xpyh pakai biru okay . apeape je pun xpe . ingat kan dah abes la cite pasal color baju nih . tuptup he called nak gi beli baju kat OU la nak crk baju color biru . hahahhahahahah seriously?? setahu nott selame kenal mokk nie dye tak pernah nak pegi beli barang sorangsorang . tak kesah la walaupun nk beli sebiji telor pun mesti dye ajak kawan dye . hahaha . sunguh sungguh dye crk baju blue color tue . sweet kn? sematemate :*)
on the day ..
he said today is our special day . he wanna be wif me . sweeet . dye mcm jadik romantic tibetibe tah sape tah bagi dye salah ubat nih . hahaha then mokk ajak beli cincin . whaaatt??! cincin?? . hahaha mulemule pun nott terkejotzz jugak kowt . im not ready yet . yet la . tunggu nanti la an . then dye ckp ring for our 2years anniversary . weee~
hahaha . jangan perasan lebih nott . dye belum nak melamar lagi la nott . hahaha . syok sendri mmg mcm gni . adoii XD
nak pilih cincin tu bukan maen payahnye . dye lagi cerewet dari nott .sangaaaaattttt . ugh . sume tak cantik tak nak xske #deng lastlast dye pilih yang 1st nott pilih . hahahha dah penat la tuh . lalala~
"our one and only ring"
cube teke kami tulis ape kat ring tu . jengjengjeng ♥
mungkin sebab dye dah tua kowt . hahaha . me ♥ love youu more !
doakan relationship kami sampai ke jinjang pelamin and till jannah . aamiin ..
seNget mokk
walaupun tak same sangat the blue tu . tpi dye nampak hensem (*:
me ♥ love youu more . hopping youu will be MY future imam'
oneday .. insyaAllah

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